Grounded in Maine
Grounded in Maine Podcast is an open conversation about being mindful of how we show up for the world. We discuss the role we play in sustainability including gardening and preserving, recycling and composting and even household DIY. It's a podcast about our commitment to ecological responsibility, and learning different ways to be part of the solution.
Podcasting since 2022 • 140 episodes
Grounded in Maine
Latest Episodes
129: Real Soil Talk with Seb Jagoe
The algorithm was just right not too long ago that I happened upon Seb Jagoe's Instagram reel and became obsessed with his excitement and vast knowledge about soil and growing. It's always a little nerve wracking to reach out cold to a stranger...
128: Angela Hollowell: Businesses Supporting Community
I've been following Angela Hollowell for a couple of years now on Linkedin, and admiring all that she's doing with her podcast Honey and Hustle, and her writing and now documentary film making. When she said she's joined a new group that she's ...
127: Bronwyn Holm: Nourishing Our Soil to Heal Our Bodies
Bronwyn Holm is an international speaker and spokesperson for Earth Food, a product of living microbiomes to feed our soil, and at the same time battle food insecurity and turn our health issues around. HOW, you ask? Bron talks at length of the...
126: Self Work for World Work with Laura Hartley
This conversation with Laura Hartley was like medicine for my soul - I hope this helps you to feel seen, too, because it was a message that I didn't expect or know that I needed to hear! I told Laura that I've felt a call to be more involved in...
125: My Mindful Kitchen - Reducing Food Waste with Janet Irizarry
I loved this conversation with Janet Irizzary - she has tons of experience in the food business to base her upcoming course, My Mindful Kitchen (MMK) to reduce food waste for her bio: "The MMK Method offers a solution to hou...
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